Gorkha Bravery Shaeed Major Durga Malla!

Major Durga Malla was born on July 1,1913 in Dehradun India. He played a significant role in the Indian independence movement and was known for his activism and reorganizing efforts. Major Durga Malla served as a Major in the Indian National Army (INA which was led by Subhas Chandra Bose.

He was a prominent figure in the Azad Hind movement which aimed to free India from British rule. Major Durga Malla dedicated himself to the cause of independence and fought against the British alongside other INA soldiers.

Unfortunately Major Durga Malla's life was cut short when he was executed by hanging on August 25,1944 in Delhi, India. His sacrifice and commitment to the cause of freedom continue to inspire generations of Indians.

Major Durga Malla is remembered as a brave freedom fighter who fought for the liberation of his country. His legacy serves as a reminder of the courage and determination displayed by those who fought for India's independence.

During his time in the Indian National Army (INA Malla played a significant role in reorganizing and strengthening the organization. He was appointed as a Major in the INA and became a prominent figure in the Indian independence movement. Malla believed that armed resistance was necessary to overthrow British rule in India.

Under the leadership of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Malla and the INA fought against the British forces during World War II. They aimed to liberate India from colonial rule and establish a free and independent nation. Malla proved to be a brave and skilled soldier leading his troops in several successful battles against the British.

However in 1944 during the Imphal campaign Malla was captured by the British and imprisoned in Delhi. He was unfairly tried and sentenced to death for his involvement in the INA. Despite appeals for clemency Malla was executed by hanging on 25th August 1944.

Malla's sacrifice and dedication to the cause of Indian independence made him a martyr and a symbol of resistance against British imperialism. His life and death continue to inspire generations of Indians to fight for freedom and justice. He is remembered as a brave soldier and a committed patriot who gave his life for the liberation of his country.

It is important to remember and honor the contributions and sacrifices made by individuals like Mohan Singh Malla in the struggle for independence. Their courage and determination remind us of the importance of fighting for justice liberty and equality. Their legacy lives on inspiring future generations to work towards a better and more inclusive society.

 Despite the difficult circumstances Sharda stood by her husband and supported his decision to fight for India's independence.

After Major Durga Malla's capture by the British forces he was imprisoned in the Red Fort in Delhi. Despite facing imminent death Malla remained resolute and unwavering in his dedication to the cause of freedom. He refused to confess to sedition and remained steadfast in his belief that India would eventually achieve independence.

He was a prominent figure in the Azad Hind movement which aimed to free India from British rule. Major Durga Malla dedicated himself to the cause of independence and fought against the British alongside other INA soldiers.

On July 31,1944 Major Durga Malla was executed by hanging. His sacrifice and unwavering commitment to the cause of India's freedom made him a symbol of bravery and heroism. His final words to his wife Sharda served as a testament to his faith in the eventual liberation of India and his conviction that millions of Indians were standing united in their struggle.

Major Durga Malla's sacrifice did not go in vain. His actions along with those of countless other freedom fighters played a significant role in India's struggle for independence. Their courage and determination inspired millions of Indians to rise against colonial rule ultimately leading to India's freedom in 1947.

Malla's story continues to be a source of inspiration for generations to come. His unwavering spirit loyalty to his country and refusal to surrender in the face of adversity serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals who fought for India's freedom. Major Durga Malla will forever be remembered and honoured as a national hero.

Malla was a brave Indian Gorkha soldier who fought fearlessly against the British during the Indian independence movement.  However witnessing the exploitation and mistreatment of his fellow Gorkha soldiers by their British superiors Malla became determined to fight for the freedom of his people.

Malla was actively involved in various resistance movements against the British rule. He played a vital role in organizing protests boycotting British goods and spreading awareness about the need for independence. He was known for his persuasive speeches and ability to rally people together.

During the famous Salt Satyagraha movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 Malla actively participated in the nonviolent protests against the British salt tax. However he soon realised that nonviolent means alone may not be enough to achieve complete independence. Inspired by the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh and other revolutionaries Malla decided to embrace armed struggle.

Sadly Malla's journey came to an end on 25th August 1944 when he was caught and arrested by the British authorities. He was charged with treason and sentenced to death. Despite pleas for clemency from various quarters including some British officials who had witnessed his bravery on the battlefield Malla's execution went ahead as scheduled.

Malla's sacrifice and martyrdom inspired a sense of patriotism and solidarity among the Gorkha community. His legacy continues to be celebrated today not only in India but also in other parts of the world where Gorkhas have settled. The statues erected in his honor symbolise the bravery and indomitable spirit of the Gorkha soldiers and serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made by people like Malla in the fight for independence.

Balidan Diwas observed on 25th August every year is a day to honor Malla and remember the sacrifices of all the Gorkha martyrs who laid down their lives for the cause of freedom. It is a day of reflection remembrance and renewed commitment to upholding the ideals for which they fought.


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